Funding and theses¶
Machine learning related funds and grants at IN2P3
Symbol | Topic |
☢️ | accelerators |
🔭 | astro/cosmo |
💫 | HEP |
Acronym | Years | PI | Labs | Short Pitch | |
🔭,💫 | DIRECTA | 2024-2027 | T. Vuillaume | LAPP | Deep learning for CTA event reconstruction in real-time |
💫 | DIVE | 2023-2027 | L. Cadamuro | IJCLab, CPPM, LPNHE | DiHiggs In VBF Events : Exploring the Higgs boson properties through vector boson fusion HH production |
💫 | ATRAPP | 2022-2026 | J. Lévêque | LAPP | advanced tracking algorithms for non-prompt tracks at the LHC |
💫 | OGCID | 2022-2026 | F. Magniette | LLR | Optimal graph convolution neural network for efficient particle identification |
🔭 | DISPERS | 2022-2026 | W. Gillard | CPPM | Deep learning for slit-less Spectroscopic Redshift survey Simulator |
💫 | ATRAPP | 2022-2025 | J. Leveque | LAPP, IJCLab | Advanced algorithms for tracking at HL-LHC |
💫 | FIDDLE | 2022-2025 | G. Dujany | IPHC | Finding Invisible Decays with Deep Learning at Belle II |
💫 | DMwithLLPatLHC | 2021-2026 | M.-H. Genest | LPSC, LPNHE, LPTHE | Dark Matter with Long Lived Particles at LHC |
🔭 | RICOCHET | 2021-2025 | E. Chassande-Mottin | APC, Gipsa-lab | Interdisciplinary project (PI Nicolas Lebihan) aimed at developing new tools and methods for the analysis, measure, characterization and simulation of the gravitational wave polarization |
💫 | AIDAQ | 2021-2024 | G. Aad | CPPM | Artificial Intelligence on FPGAs: A breakthrough for Data AcQuisition in High Energy Physics experiments and beyond |
🔭 | AstroDeep | 2019-2024 | E. Aubourg | APC, CEA, Inria | Deep learning algorithms for galaxy deblending |
🔭 | DeepDIP | 2019-2023 | D. Fouchez | CPPM, IAP, LAM, LIRMM, TETIS | Deep Learning techniques for supernovae and photometric redshifts |
Acronym | Years | PI | Labs | Short Pitch | |
☢️ | PGTI : Prompt Gamma Time Imaging | 2022-2027 | S. Marcatili | LPSC, CPPM | NN pour calculer la dose de radiation recue par un patient à partir des données d'imagerie médicale en photonthérapie |
Other sources of funding¶
Origin | Years | PI | Labs | Short Pitch | |
🔭 | diiP grant | 2022-2023 | S. Mei | APC | ML for photometric redshift estimation in DESC |
🔭 | CNRS-MITI | 2022-2023 | Emille Ishida | LPC-Clermont | Finding the first generation of stars with LSST |
💫 | diiP grant | 2021-2022 | J. Coelho | APC | Learning from deep sea light with KM3NeT |
💫 | AMIDEX | 2019-2022 | G. Aad | CPPM | Artificial Intelligence on FPGAs: A breakthrough for Data AcQuisition in High Energy Physics experiments and beyond (AIDAQ) |
Origin | Years | PI | Labs | Short Pitch | |
🔭 | diiP grant | 2023-2024 | A. Boucaud, M. Huertas-Company | APC | Investigating Diffusion Models for Astronomical Image Deconvolution |
☢️ | CEA (bourse de thèse) | 2023-2026 | G. Hupin (Co-PI) | IJCLab | Acceleration of Atomic and Nuclear Structure Codes via Artificial Intelligence |
☢️ | ARTIFACT | 2023-2024 | A. Ghribi | GANIL | |
☢️ | AMORCE InM4CAST | 2023-2024 | A. Ghribi | GANIL | |
☢️ | Université | 2023-2026 | A. Ghribi | GANIL | AI for RF and Cryogenics in superconducting accelerators |
☢️ | GENCI M4CAST | 2023-2024 | A. Ghribi | GANIL | |
☢️ | IN2P3 MLAcc / M4CAST | 2023-2024 | A. Ghribi | GANIL | |
💫 | France Berkeley Fund | 2023-2024 | A. Butter | LPNHE | Unbinned Deconvolution for Particle/Nuclear Physics |
💫 | DataMATTER IN2P3 project | 2022-2024 | S. Kraml | LPSC | Data Science Methods and Tools to Exploit LHC Results |
🔭,💫 | Chaire U. Paris Cité – AstrodiiP | 2021-2025 | Y. Becherini | APC | Various activities around the search for hidden information in AGN data and in boosting sensitivity in gamma-ray and neutrino telescopes |
💫 | H2020 AIDAINNOVA | 2021-2025 | H. Grasland | IJCLab | |
💫 | MSCA SMARTHEP MSCA ITN | 2021-2025 | V. Gligorov, B. Malaescu | LPNHE | |
💫 | ANN4EUROPE Franco-German AI grant | 2021-2025 | V. Gligorov (co-PI) | LPNHE |
PhD theses¶
Name | Years | Supervisor(s) | Lab(s) | Funding | Short Pitch | |
💫 | Nemer Chiedde | 2020-2023 | E. Monnier, G. Aad | CPPM | CNRS | Implementation of embedded artificial algorithms on the backend readout boards of the ATLAS liquid argon calorimeter |
💫 | Lauri Laatu | 2020-2023 | E. Monnier, G. Aad | CPPM | AMIDEX, ANR AIDAQ | Development of artificial intelligence algorithms adapted to big data processing in embedded (FPGAs) trigger and data acquisition systems at the LHC |
💫 | Arnaud Maury | 2020-2023 | D. Rousseau | IJCLab | UDOPIA | Simulation-Based Inference for the off-shell Higgs decaying into 4 leptons in the ATLAS experiment & commissioning of a Gaussian-Sum Filtering algorithm for electron track fitting in ITk |
💫 | Ioan Dinu | 2019-2022 | J. Donini, Alexa C. | LPC, IFIN-HH | IFIN-HH | New Small Wheel Muon Detector Trigger Processor Hardware and Beyond Standard Model Searches Using Machine Learning Techniques in the ATLAS Experiment at LHC |
💫 | Etienne Fortin | 2019-2022 | E. Monnier, G. Aad | CPPM | CNRS, Region PACA | Commissioning and performance of the trigger and readout system of the liquid argon calorimeter of the ATLAS experiment |
💫 | Louis Vaslin | 2019-2022 | J. Donini, V. Barra | LPC, LIMOS | University Clermont Auvergne | Recherche de Nouvelle Physique avec l'expérience ATLAS en utilisant des techniques de Machine Learning non supervisées et semi-supervisées |
🔭 | Bastien Arcelin | 2018-2021 | E. Aubourg, C. Doux, C. Roucelle | APC | STEP'UP, ANR AstroDeep | Deblending galaxies with variational autoencoders |
💫 | Aishik Ghosh | 2017-2020 | D. Rousseau | IJCLab | ED | Simulation of the ATLAS electromagnetic calorimeter using generative adversarial networks and likelihood-free inference of the offshell Higgs boson couplings at the LHC |
💫 | Ziyu Guo | 2016-2019 | Y. Coadou, T. Artières | CPPM, LIS | Aix Marseille Université | Higgs boson search in ATLAS on the ttH(H->bb) channel using ML |
💫 | Fabricio Jimenez | 2016-2019 | J. Donini | LPC | EU | Model independent searches for New Physics using Machine Learning at the ATLAS experiment |
Name | Years | Supervisor(s) | Labs | Funding | Short Pitch | |
💫 | Raphael Bertrand | 2023-2026 | G. Aad, E. Monnier | CPPM | CNRS | Développement d'algorithmes d'intelligence artificielle embarqué dans des cartes électroniques à base d’FPGA pour le système de lecture et de déclenchement du calorimètre à argon liquide ATLAS |
💫, ☢️ | Dunstan Becht | 2023-2026 | N. Pillet, P. Indelicato, G. Hupin | CEA, IJCLab, LKB | Sorbonne Université | Convergence Acceleration for Atomic and Nuclear Structure Codes by Artificial Intelligence |
💫 | Ragansu Chakkappai | 2023-2026 | D. Rousseau | IJCLab | ChaLearn | Uncertainty aware Artificial Intelligence for Higgs Cross-section measurement in the ATLAS experiment |
🔭,💫 | Max Eff | 2023-2026 | Y. Becherini | APC | Université Paris Cité | An AI-based data analysis to unveil HESS faintest sources and to search for astrophysical neutrinos in KM3NeT |
💫 | Eva Mayer | 2023-2026 | J. Donini, S. Calvet, M. Michel | LPC, LMBP | ED | Development of innovative statistical learning methods for the search of new physics signatures in the ATLAS detector at the LHC |
💫 | Leonardo Splendori | 2023-2026 | T. Strebler, A. Duperrin | CPPM | CNRS | Probing the Higgs boson pair production through Vector Boson Fusion at the LHC in the ATLAS experiment |
💫 | Laura Boggia | 2022-2025 | B. Malaescu | LPNHE | EU | Automate the learning of decision models by combining statistical and knowledge-based methods |
💫 | Anthony Coreia | 2022-2025 | V. Gligorov | LPNHE | Franco German AI grant | Full reconstruction of charged particles in the LHCb detector using a graph neural network |
💫 | Fotis Giasemis | 2022-2025 | V. Gligorov, B. Granado | LPNHE | EU (MSCA) | Charged Particle Reconstruction using Neural Networks on heterogenous architectures |
🔭,💫 | Enzo Oukacha | 2022-2025 | Y. Becherini | APC | Université Paris Cité | Search for neutrino-gamma correlations in the extragalactic sky |
🔭,💫 | Santiago Peña Martínez | 2022-2025 | A. Kouchner, J. Coelho | APC | STEP'UP | Deeply Learning from Neutrino Interactions with the KM3NeT neutrino telescope |
🔭 | Lucas Sauniere | 2022-2025 | S. Escoffier, W. Gillard | CPPM | AMU | Instrument model for the NISP Slit-Less spectroscopy |
💫 | Guillaume Albouy | 2021-2024 | M.-H. Genest, P-A Delsart | LPSC | ED | Calibration en énergie et masse des jets hadroniques avec un DNN |
💫 | Federico Nardi | 2021-2024 | J. Donini, T. Dorigo | LPC, INFN (Padoue) | EU, INFN | Towards End-to-end optimization of experimental design with automatic differentiation |
🔭 | Vincent Duret | 2021-2024 | S. Escoffier, W. Gillard | CPPM | AMU | Photometric redshifts calibration and cosmological constraints by tomographic galaxy clustering with Euclid data |
💫 | Maxime Fernoux | 2021-2024 | A. Duperrin, E. Petit | CPPM | CNRS | Preparation of the Higgs boson self-coupling measurement in HH -> bbyy channel with the ATLAS experiment |
🔭 | Biswajit Biswas | 2021-2024 | E. Aubourg, C. Roucelle, J. Lao | APC, Google | COFUND | Deep generative networks for probabilistic source separation |
🔭 | Michaël Dell'aiera | 2021-2024 | T. Vuillaume, A. Benoit | LAPP, LISTIC (USMB) | ESCAPE, EOSC Future, LAPP | Deep Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for the Cherenkov Telescope Array |
🔭 | Kirill Grishin | 2021-2024 | S. Mei | APC | Université Paris Cité | Cluster detection with machine learning and their galaxy population |
🔭 | Justine Zeghal | 2021-2024 | E. Aubourg, A. Boucaud, F. Lanusse | APC, AIM | STEP'UP, diiP | Accelerating simulation-based inference (SBI) with differentiable simulators |