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Machine Learning master project


  1. Foster collaboration between IN2P3 labs and experiments on ML activities
  2. Share state-of-the-art knowledge between project members and spread it across IN2P3
  3. Encourage physicist to participate to ML conferences
  4. Document ongoing ML projects and HEP related ML tutorials


  • David Rousseau, IJCLab, Orsay – scientific lead
  • Alexandre Boucaud, APC, Paris – technical lead
  • Julien Donini, LPC, Clermont – AI scientific delegate for IN2P3 (since 2024)


  1. Julien gave a panorama of IN2P3 ML activities at the Journées du CCIN2P3 in June 2024.
    The slides can be viewed here

  2. AISSAI Workshop on Heterogeneous data end of September
    The last IN2P3 AISSAI workshop will be organised by the L2IT, Toulouse between Sept 30 and Oct 3rd 2024.
    ⚠️️ Registration and call for contribution are opened
    Deadline for CFC is set to 15th August 2024

  3. IN2P3/IRFU ML annual workshop coming end of the year Our annual workshop between IN2P3 and CEA/IRFU is coming back this year in November 20-22 2024.
    We have the pleasure to be hosted by Giulio, Jérôme and Eric at IPHC in Strasbourg.
    ⚠️️ Registration and call for contribution are opened
    Deadline for CFC is set to end of September

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